Recent Publications (2005 onwards)


C.Wang and D.J.Hill, Deterministic Learning Theory for Identification, Recognition and Control, CRC Press, 2009.

Book chapter

D.D.C. Lu, “Battery charger with power quality improvement,” Power Quality (Book 3), InTech – Open Access Publisher, ISBN 978-953-307-971-4. (Accepted for publication 21/4/2011)

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Edited special issue

H.H.C. Iu, and D.D.C. Lu, Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 4, No.1  (Special issue on Power Electronics Circuits), Engineers Australia, Mar. 2008.

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Journal Papers

H.S. Athab and D.D.C. Lu, “A Single-Switch AC/DC Flyback Converter Using A CCM/DCM Quasi-Active Power Factor Correction Front-End,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, in press.

Y. Du, and D.D.C. Lu, “Battery-Integrated Boost Converter Utilizing Distributed MPPT Configuration for Photovoltaic Systems,” Solar Energy, in press.

W. Zhao, D.D.C. Lu, and V.G. Agelidis, “Current control of grid-connected boost inverter with zero steady-state error,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, in press.

A.L. Fitch, H.H.C. Iu and D.D.C. Lu, “An Analogue Computer for Electronic Engineering Education”, IEEE Transactions on Education, in press.

T.Liu, J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Exponential synchronization of complex delayed dynamical networks with switching topology,” IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems-I, Vol.57, No.11, November 2010, pp.2967-2980.

G-Y.Cao and D.J.Hill, “Power system voltage small-disturbance stability studies based on the power flow equation,” IET GTD, Vol.4, No.7, pp.873-882, 2010.

Y.Xia and D.J.Hill, “Optimal capacity distribution on complex networks”, Europhysics Letters. Vol.89, No. 5, 2010.

B. Liu, and D. J. Hill, “Uniform stability and ISS of discrete-time impulsive hybrid systems,” Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Vol.4, No.2, pp.319-333, May 2010.

C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Deterministic learning and nonlinear observer design,” Asian Journal of Control, Vol.12, No.6, pp.1-11, November 2010.

Y.Xia, J.Fan and D.J.Hill, “Cascading failure in Watts-Strogatz small-world networks”, Physica A, Vol.398, pp.1281-1285, 2010.

G.Chen, Z-Y.Dong, D.J.Hill, G-H.Zhang and K-Q.Hua, “Attack structural vulnerability of power grids: a hybrid approach based on complex networks,” Physica A, Vol.389, pp.595-603, 2010.

H.S. Kim, and D.D.C. Lu,” Wind energy conversion system from electrical perspective – a survey,” Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 119-131, November 2010.

S.K. Ki, and D.D.C. Lu, “Implementation of an Efficient Transformerless Single-Stage Single-Switch AC/DC Converter”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 12, pp. 4095-4105, December 2010.

I. Laird, D.D.C. Lu, and V.G. Agelidis, “Switched-coupled-inductor DC/DC converters with high voltage conversion ratio”, International Journal of Power Electronics (special issue on IEEE PEDS 2009), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 345-362, 2010.

H.S. Athab and D.D.C. Lu, “Simple Effective Duty Cycle Controller for High Power Factor Boost Rectifier,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 590–600, 2010.

H.S. Athab and D.D.C. Lu, “A High-efficiency AC/DC Converter with Quasi-active Power Factor Correction,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 1103-1109, May 2010.

J. Zhang, D.D.C. Lu, and T. Sun, “Flyback-based Single-Stage Power Factor Correction Scheme with Time-Multiplexing Control”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 1041-1049, March 2010.

B.Liu, D.J.Hill and J.Yao, “Global uniform synchronization with estimated error under transmission channel noise,” IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems-I, Vol.56, No.12, pp.2689-2702, 2009.

J. Zhao, D.J.Hill and T.Liu, “Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with switching topology: a switched system point of view,” Automatica, Vol.45, pp.2502-2511, 2009.

J.Yao, D.J.Hill and Z-H.Guan, Passivity-based control and synchronization of general complex dynamical networks”, Automatica, Vol.45, pp.2107-2113, 2009.

L.Chen, J.Lü, J-A.Lu and D.J.Hill, “Local asymptotic coherence of time-varying discrete ecological networks,” Automatica, Vol.45, pp.546-552, 2009.

C.Wang, T.Chen, G.Chen and D.J.Hill, “Deterministic learning of nonlinear dynamical systems,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Control, Volume 19, Issue 4, pp. 1307-1328, April 2009.

G.Chen, Z-Y.Dong, D.J.Hill and G-H.Zhang, “An improved model for structural vulnerability analysis of power networks,” Physica A, Vol.388, pp.4259-4266, 2009.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Vector L2-gain and stability of feedback switched systems,” Automatica, Vol.45, no.7, 1703-1707, 2009.

T.Liu, C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Learning from neural control of nonlinear systems in normal form,” Systems and Control Letters, Volume 58, Issue 9, Pages 633-638, September 2009.

Y.Mishra, Z.Y.Dong,J.Ma and D.J.Hill, “Induction motor load impact on power system eigenvalue sensitivity anlaysis,” IET Gener. Trans. Distrib., Vol.3, No.7, pp.690-700, 2009.

H.Liu, J-A.Lu, J.Lü and D.J.Hill, “Structure identification of uncertain general complex dynamical networks with time delay,” Automatica, Vol.45, pp.1799-1807.

B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Input-to-state stability for discrete time-delay systems via the Razumikhin technique,” Systems and Control Letters, Vol.58, pp.567-575, 2009.

J.Leung, D.J.Hill and G-H.Zhang, “Coordinated stability control,” IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.3, No.1, pp.38-48, 2009.

T.Liu, J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Synchronization of complex delayed dynamical networks with nonlinearly coupled nodes,” Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol.40, pp.1506-1519, 2009.

B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Uniform stability of large-scale delay discrete impulsive systems,” International J. Control, vol.82, No.2, pp. 228-240, 2009.

B.Liu, D.J.Hill, “Comparison principle and stability of discrete-time impulsive hybrid systems, IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems-I, Vol.56, No.1, January 2009, pp.233-245.

D.D.C. Lu, “Integrated Power Converter Design to Meet Uninterruptible Supply and Short Surge Load Demands,” Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 179-190, 2009.

D.D.C. Lu, and V.G. Agelidis, “Photovoltaic-Battery Powered DC Bus System for Common Portable Electronic Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 849-855, March 2009.

D.D.C. Lu, H.H.C. Iu, and V. Pjevalica, “Single-Stage AC/DC Boost-Forward Converter with High Power Factor, Regulated Bus and Output Voltages”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 2128-2132, June 2009

N. Flourentzou, V.G. Agelidis, and M.S.A. Dahidah, VSC-Based HVDC Power Transmission Systems: An Overview, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 24(3):592 – 602, March 2009.

B.Liu, D.J.Hill and G.Chen, “Synchronization errors and uniform synchronization with an error bound for chaotic systems,” Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 18(11), 2008.

J-G.Lu and D.J.Hill, “Global asymptotic synchronization of chaotic Lur’e systems using sampled-data: a linear matrix inequality approach,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, Vol.55, No.6, pp.586-590, June 2008.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Dissipativity theory for switched systems,” IEEE Trans Auto Control, Vol.53, No.4, pp.941-953, May 2008.

Y.V.Makarov, Z-Y.Dong and D.J.Hill, “On convexity of the power flow feasibility boundary,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol.23, No.2, pp.811-813, May 2008.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “On stability, L2-gain and H∞ control for switched systems,” Automatica, Vol.44, pp.1220-1232, May 2008.

Y.Xia and D.J.Hill, “Attack vulnerability of complex communication networks,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, Vol.55, No.1, pp.65-69, January 2008.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Passivity and stability of switched systems: a multiple storage function method,” Systems and Control Letters, Vol.57, pp.158-164, 2008.

J.Ma, D.Han, R-M.He, Z-Y.Dong and D.J.Hill, “Reducing identified parameters of measurement-based composite load model,” IEEE Trans on Power Systems, Vol.23, No.1, pp.76-83, February 2008.

D.D.C. Lu, J.W. Hill, and R.Y.W. Chan, “Single-switch Dual-output Flyback DC/DC Converter with Time Multiplexing Control”, International Journal of Power Electronics (Special issue on Power Converters: Modeling, Simulation, Analysis, Topologies, Control Technologies, Secondary Issues and Applications), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 101-115, 2008.

D.D.C. Lu, “Synthesis of Single Phase DC/AC Inverters,” Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Australia, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 75-84, October 2008.

D.D.C. Lu, “On Control of Intermediate Capacitor Voltage in Single-stage AC/DC PFC Converter”, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 95 – 105, February 2008.

D.N. Samaraweera, and D.D.C. Lu, “Novel Implementation of Average Current Mode Controlled Power-Factor-Correction Converters”, Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Special issue on Power Electronics Circuits), Australia, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 83-90, Mar 2008.

S.K. Ki, David K.W. Cheng and Dylan D.C. Lu, “Analysis and Design of a single phase hybrid mode PFC converter”, IET Power Electronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 72-83, Mar. 2008.

R. H. Chu, Dylan D.C. Lu, and S. Sathiakumar, “Project-Based Lab Teaching for Power Electronics and Drives”, IEEE Trans. on Education, Vol. 51, No.1, pp. 108-113, Feb. 2008.

D.D.C. Lu, H.H.C. Iu, and V. Pjevalica, “A Single-stage AC/DC converter with high power factor, regulated bus voltage and output voltage”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 23, No.1, pp. 218-228, Jan. 2008.

M. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Control for Cascaded Multilevel Voltage Source Converters: A Generalized Formula, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 23(4):1620-1630, July 2008.

M.S.A. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, Single-carrier sinusoidal PWM-equivalent selective harmonic elimination for a five-level voltage source converter, Electric Power Systems Research, 78(11):1826-1836, June 2008.

V.G. Agelidis, A. Balouktsis and M.S.A. Dahidah, A five-level symmetrically defined selective harmonic elimination PWM strategy: analysis and experimental validation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 23(1):19-26, January 2008.

V.G. Agelidis, A. Balouktsis and C. Cossar, On attaining the multiple solutions of selective harmonic elimination PWM three-level waveforms through function minimisation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55(3):996 – 1004, March 2008.

S. Sathiakumar, A.R. Turner and Y.S. Lee, Connecting a personal windmill to a site-wide DC BUS, Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Enigneering (Special issue on Power Electronics Circuits), 4(1):37-45, March 2008.

M. S.A. Dahidah, V.G. Agelidis and M.V. Rao, Hybrid genetic algorithm approach for selective harmonic control, Energy Conversion & Management:131-142, 2008.

V.G. Agelidis, A. Balouktsis and C. Cossar, On attaining the multiple solutions of selective harmonic elimination PWM three-level waveforms through function minimisation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55(3):996-1004, March 2008.

Gregor Taljan, Claudio Cañizares, Michael Fowler, Gregor Verbič, “The Feasibility of Hydrogen Storage for Mixed Wind-nuclear power plants”, IEEE trans. power syst., vol. 23, no. 3, pages 1507-1518, 2008.

Gregor Taljan, Claudio Cañizares, Michael Fowler, Gregor Verbič, “Hydrogen Storage for Mixed Wind-Nuclear Power Plants in the Context of a Hydrogen Economy”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 33, no. 17, pages 4463-4712, 2008.

J.Ma, D.J.Hill, Z-Y.Dong and R-M.He, “Power system energy analysis incorporating comprehensive load characteristics,” IET GTD, Vol.1, No.6, pp.855-863, 2007.

J-G.Lu and D.J.Hill, “Impulsive synchronization of chaotic Lur’e systems by linear static measurement feedback: an LMI approach,” IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems-II, Vol.52, No.8, August 2007, pp.710-714.

V.A.Yakubovich, A.L.Fradkov, D.J.Hill and A.V.Proskurnikov, “Dissipativity of T-periodic linear systems,” IEEE Trans Auto Control, Vol.52, No.6, June 2007, pp.1039-1047.

C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Deterministic learning and rapid dynamical pattern recognition,” IEEE Trans on Neural Networks, Vol.18, No.3, May 2007, pp.617-630.

D.D.C. Lu, “Analysis of an AC-DC Valley-fill Power Factor Corrector (VFPFC)”, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Eng., Electronics and Communications, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 23-28, August 2007.

D.C. Lu, C.P. Liu, N.K. Poon, and M.H. Pong, “A low cost stepping inductance DC/DC converter for CPU applications”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 417-424, Mar 2007.

C. Feng, J. Liang and V.G. Agelidis, Modified phase-shifted PWM control for flying capacitor multilevel converters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 22(1):178-185, January 2007.

L. Xu and V.G. Agelidis, VSC transmission system using flying capacitor multilevel converters and hybrid PWM control, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 22(1):693-702, January 2007.

Tomaž Tomsič, Gregor Verbič, Ferdinand Gubina, “Revision of the underfrequency load-shedding scheme of the Slovenian power system”, Electr. power syst. res., vol. 77, no. 5/6, pages 494-500, Apr. 2007.

Q.Chen, Y.Hong, G.Chen and D.J.Hill, “Intermittent phenomena in switched systems with high coupling strengths,” IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems-I, Vol.53, No.12, pp.2692-2704, December 2006.

Z.Li, G.Feng and D.J.Hill, “Controlling complex dynamical networks with coupling delays to a desired orbit,” Physics Letters A, Vol.359, pp.42-46, 2006.

X-M.Sun, J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Stability and L2 –gain analysis for switched delay systems: a delay-dependent method,” Automatica, Vol.42, pp.1769-1774, 2006.

C.Wang, S.S.Ge, D.J.Hill and G.Chen, “An ISS-modular approach for adaptive neural control of pure-feedback systems,” Automatica, Vol.42, pp.723-731, 2006.

M.Jin, H.Renmu and D.J.Hill, “Load modelling by finding support vectors of load data from field measurements,” IEEE Trans Power Systems, Vol.21, No.2, pp.726-735, May 2006.

H.Renmu, M.Jin and D.J.Hill, “Composite load modeling via measurement approach,” IEEE Trans Power Systems, Vol.21, No.2, pp.663-672, May 2006.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “A notion of passivity for switched systems with state-dependent switching,” Special Issue on Switched Systems, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 1, pp.70-75, 2006.

Y-J.Li, D.J.Hill and T-J.Wu, “Optimal coordinated voltage control of power systems,” Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, Vol.7, No.2, pp.257-262, 2006.

Z-H.Guan, D.J.Hill and J.Yao, “A hybrid impulsive control strategy for synchronization of nonlinear systems and application to Chua’s Chaotic circuit,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.16, No.1, pp.229-238, 2006.

C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Learning from Neural Control,” IEEE Transactions of Neural Networks, Vol.17, No.1, pp.130-146, January 2006.

M.S.A. Dahidah, V.G. Agelidis, and M.V. Rao, On abolishing symmetry requirements in the formulation of a five-level selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation technique, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 21(6):1833-1837, November 2006.

L. Xu and V.G. Agelidis, A VSC transmission system using flying capacitor multilevel converters and selective harmonic elimination PWM control, International Journal of Emerging Electrical Power Systems, 5(2):Article 4, April 2006.

V.G. Agelidis, A. Balouktsis, I. Balouktsis, and C. Cossar, Multiple sets of solutions for harmonic elimination PWM bipolar waveforms: analysis and experimental verification, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 21(2):415-421, March 2006.

S. Sathiakumar, Y. Shrivastava, and Y.S. Lee, Reduced switching in randomized schemes for DC-DC power conversion, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 1(2):123-127, 2006.

Gregor Verbič, Claudio A. Cañizares, “Probabilistic optimal power flow in electricity markets based on a two-point estimate method”, IEEE trans. power syst., vol. 21, no. 4, pages 1883-1893, Nov. 2006.

Ivan Šmon, Gregor Verbič, Ferdinand Gubina, “Local voltage-stability index using Tellegen’s theorem”, IEEE trans. power syst., vol. 21, no. 3, pages 1267-1275, Aug. 2006.

Miloš Pantoš, Gregor Verbič, Ferdinand Gubina, “An improved method for assessing voltage stability based on network decomposition”, Electr. power energy syst., vol. 28, pages 324-330, 2006.

Gregor Verbič, Miloš Pantoš, Ferdinand Gubina, “On voltage collapse and apparent-power losses”, Electr. power syst. res., vol. 76, pages 760-767, 2006.

Y.Xue, W.Li and D.J.Hill, “Optimization of transient stability control, Part-I: For cases with identical unstable modes; Part-II: For cases with different unstable modes,” International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Power System Control, Vol.3, No.2, pp.334-340 and pp.341-345, 2005.

J.Yao, Z-H.Guan and D.J.Hill, “Adaptive switching control and synchronization of chaotic systems with uncertainties”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.15, No.10, pp.1-10, 2005.

Z.Y. Dong , D.J.Hill and Y.Guo, “Power system control scheme based on security visualization in parameter space”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol.27, pp.488-495, 2005.

G.Cao, D.J.Hill, R.Hui, “Continuation of local bifurcations for power system differential-algebraic equation stability model,” IEE Proceedings Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol.152, no.4, pp.575-580, 2005.

J.Leung, D.J.Hill and Y.Ni, “Global power system control using generator excitation, PSS, FACTS devices and capacitor switching,” International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, vol.27, pp.448-464, 2005.

L.Cong, Y.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Transient stability and voltage regulation enhancement via coordinated control of generator excitation and SVC,” International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, vol.27, pp.121-130, 2005.

Z-H.Guan, D.J.Hill and X.Shen, “On hybrid impulsive and switching systems and application to nonlinear control”, IEEE Trans. Auto. Control, Vol.50, No.7, pp.1058-62, July 2005.

Z-H.Guan, J.Yao and D.J.Hill, “Robust H∞ control of singular-impulsive systems with uncertain perturbations,” IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems-II, Vol.52, No.6, pp.293-298, June 2005.

D.D.C. Lu, “High Power Factor Forward AC-DC Converter with Low Storage Capacitor Voltage Stress”, Journal of Science and Engineering (Special issue on Power Electronics), HAIT, Vol. 2, Iss 3-4, pp. 305-326, Israel, 2005.

D.D.C. Lu, D.K.W. Cheng and Y.S. Lee, “Analysis of a High Power Factor AC/DC Converter with Reduced Current and Voltage Stresses”, IEE Proc., Electric Power Applications, Vol. 152, No. 4, pp. 943-952, July 2005, UK.

V.G. Agelidis, A laboratory-supported power electronics and related technologies undergraduate curriculum for aerospace engineering students, International Journal of Engineering Education, 21(6):1177-1188, 2005.

Miloš Pantoš, Gregor Verbič, Ferdinand Gubina, “Modified topological generation and load distribution factors”, IEEE trans. power syst., vol. 20, no. 4, pages 1998-2005, nov. 2005.

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Invited Conference Papers

D.J.Hill, “Networked control of power networks ,” 2nd IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control in Network Systems, September 2010, Annecy, France (Invited keynote, abstract only).

T.Liu, D.J.Hill and Z-P.Jiang, “Lyapunov formulation of ISS cyclic-small-gain in discrete-time dynamical networks,” Proceedings 8th WCICA, pp.568-573, Jinan, China, July 6-9 2010.

D.J.Hill, “Dynamic learning and pattern-based control,” 22nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Xuzhou, China, May 2010 (Invited plenary, abstract only).

D.J.Hill, “Advances in stability theory for complex systems and networks,” Proc 27th Chinese Control Conference, Kunming, China, July 2008, Plenary paper.

Y.Wang, G.H.Zhang and D.J.Hill, “Global control of the cart and pole system,” Proceedings 2007 IEEE Multi-conference on System and Control, Singapore, October 2007, pp.256-261.

D.J.Hill and G.Chen, “Power systems as dynamic networks,” Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Island of Kos, Greece, pp.722-725, May 2006.

D.J.Hill, “Complex networks: design and control,” Proceedings 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Singapore, May 2006.(Invited plenary)

C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Persistence of excitation, RBF approximation and periodic orbits”, ICCA, Budapest, June 2005.

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Conference Papers (Refereed)

S.K. Ki, and D.D.C. Lu, “A Novel Transformerless Single-Stage AC/DC Converter with Low Output Voltage,” in Proceedings, Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE) 2011, USA. (Accepted)

H.S. Athab, and D.D.C. Lu, “Forward-Based AC/DC Converter with Quasi-Active Input Current Shaping,” in Proceedings, Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE) 2011, USA. (Accepted)

M.L. Chu, D.D.C. Lu, and V.G. Agelidis, “Application of Valley-Current-Mode Control in High Step-up Converters,” in Proceedings, International Conference on Power Electronics – ECCE Asia 2011, Korea. (Accepted)

W. Zhao, D.D.C. Lu, and V.G. Agelidis, “Novel Current Control of Grid-Connected Boost Inverter with Zero Steady State Error”, Proceedings, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition 2011, USA. (Accepted)

Gregor Taljan, Gregor Verbič, Miloš Pantoš, Manfred Sakulin, Lothar Fickert, “Optimal Sizing of Biomass-Fired Organic Rankine Cycle CHP System with Heat Storage”, International Conference on Clean Electrical Power 2011, June 14-16, 2011, Ischia, Italy.

B.Liu, D.J.Hill and Y.Sun, “Exponential input-to-state stability for hybrid dynamical networks via impulsive interconnection,” Proceedings 49th CDC, 2010.

J.Zhao, D.J.Hill and T.Liu, “Passivity-based output synchronization of dynamical networks with non-identical nodes,” Proceedings 49th CDC, 2010.

L.Blackhall and D.J.Hill, “On the structural controllability of networks of linear systems,”  Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control in Network Systems, September 2010, Annecy, France, pp.245-250.

J.Zhao, D.J.Hill and T.Liu, “Global synchronization of dynamical networks with non-identical nodes: a multiple V-Lyapunov function method,” Preprints of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, September 2010, pp.137-142.

B.Liu, T.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Synchronization of discrete-time CDNs  via delayed impulsive control,” Preprints of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, September 2010, pp.143-148.

T.Liu, D.J.Hill and J.Zhao, “Global synchronization of complex dynamical networks with time delay,” Preprints of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, September 2010, pp.161-166.

T.Liu, Z-P.Jiang and D.J.Hill, “Lyapunov-ISS cyclic-small-gain in hybrid dynamical networks,” Preprints of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, September 2010, pp.813-818..

D.D.C. Lu, “Using one-minute lecture reflection exercise to improve feedback mechanism”, Proceedings, 21st Annual Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference, pp. 284-289, Sydney, Australia, December 2010.

H. S. Kim, and D.D.C. Lu, “Review on Wind Turbine Generators and Power Electronic Converters with the Grid-Connection Issues”, Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2010.

Y. Du and D.D.C. Lu, “Analysis of a Novel Battery-Integrated Boost Converter for Module-Based Series Connected Photovoltaic System”, Proceedings, International Power Electronics Conference – ECCE Asia, Japan, pp. 694-698, June 2010.

D.D.C. Lu, M.L. Chu, and V.G. Agelidis, “A high step-up, non-isolated dc-dc converter with reduced repeated power processing,” Proceedings, International Power Electronics Conference – ECCE Asia, Japan, pp. 2897-2904, June 2010.

Gregor Verbič, Andraž Žertek, Miloš Pantoš, “Participation of DFIG Wind Turbines in Frequency Control Ancillary Service by Optimized Rotational Kinetic Energy”, 7th Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM10), June 23-25, 2010, Madrid, Spain.

B.Liu, D.J.Hill and K.L.Teo, “Input-to-state stability for a class of hybrid dynamical systems via hybrid time approach,” Proc 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, December 2009, pp. 3926-3931.

T.Liu, D.J.Hill and J.Zhao, “Synchronization of dynamical networks by network control,” Proc 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, December 2009, pp. 1684-1689.

T.Liu, D.J.Hill and C.Wang, “Dissipativity-based switching adaptive control,” Proc 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, December 2009, pp.6638-6643.

T.Liu, D.J.Hill and Z-P.Jiang, “Lyapunov formulation of ISS small-gain in dynamical networks,” Proc 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, December 2009, pp. 4204-4209.

T.Liu, D.J.Hill and C.Wang, “Switching adaptive control of uncertain linear systems,” Proc 7th Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, August 2009.

M.Gordon and D.J.Hill, “Flexible nonlinear control technique with applications to power systems,” IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control, Tampere, Finland, July 2009.

W.Dib, R.Ortega, D.J.Hill and F.Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, “Nonlinear excitation control for transient stabilization of multi-machine power systems using structure-preserving models,” IFAC Symposium on Power Plants and Power Systems Control, Tampere, Finland, July 2009.

Lachlan Blackhall, Priscilla Kan John, Alban Grastien and David J. Hill, “Diagnosability of hybrid dynamical networks using indicator functions” 20th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-09), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2009.

L.Blackhall, P. Kan John, A.Grastien and D.J.Hill, “Diagnosability of networks of hybrid systems,” 7th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection,  Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, SafeProcess 2009.

D.D.C. Lu, Wei Zhao, and Vassilios G. Agelidis, “Integrated Photovoltaic-Battery Converters Design for DC Power System”, Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), September 2009, Adelaide, Australia.

C.M.S. Fu and D.D.C. Lu, “Shorting-Inductor Approach for Dimming High Power Light-Emitting Diodes”, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), pp. 417-422, Taiwan, Nov 2009.

I. Laird, D.D.C. Lu, and V.G. Agelidis, “High-Gain, Switched-Coupled-Inductor Boost Converter”, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), pp. 423-428, Taiwan, Nov 2009.

T. Sun and D.D.C. Lu, “Applying Time-Multiplexing Control to Single-Stage Forward-based Power-Factor-Corrected Converter”, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), pp. 309-313, Taiwan, Nov 2009.

S.K. Ki and D.D.C. Lu, “Averaged Small-Signal Modeling of a Non-Isolated Single-Stage Single-Switch AC/DC Converter”, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), pp. 304-308, Taiwan, Nov 2009.

H.S. Athab, K. Ramar, and D.D.C. Lu, “An Efficient Quasi-Active Power Factor Correction Scheme”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), pp. 536-541, Malaysia, Oct 2009.

D.D.C. Lu, H.H.C. Iu, and V. Pjevalica, “Single-Stage AC/DC Boost-Forward Converter with High Power Factor, Regulated Bus and Output Voltages”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Taiwan, pp. 2645-2648, May 2009.

H.S. Athab, and D.D.C. Lu, “Quasi-Active Power Factor Correction Using Transformer-assisted Driving Voltage”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Taiwan, pp. 1981-1984, May 2009.

B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Impulsive consensus control for complex dynamical networks with non-identical nodes and coupling time-delays,” Proc 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, pp.2258-2263, December 2008.

D.J.Hill and J.Zhao, “Global synchronization of complex dynamical networks with non-identical nodes,” Proc 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, , pp.817-822, December 2008.

T.Liu, C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Deterministic learning and rapid dynamical pattern recognition of discrete-time systems,” Proc  International Symp on Intelligent Control, San Antonio, Texas, pp.1091-1096, September 2008.

D.Han, J.Ma, R.He, Z-Y.Dong and D.JHill, “Reducing identified parameters of measurement-based composite load model,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, July 2008 (abstract only).

M.Gordon and D.J.Hill, “Global transient stability and voltage regulation for multimachine power systems, Proc IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Paper PESGM2008-000127, July 2008.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Completeness, passivity and stability of switched systems,” Proc 27th Chinese Control Conference, Kunming, China, pp.618-622, July 2008.

S.Kim and D.J.Hill, “Synchronization of a complex network with switched coupling,” Proc 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp.1559-1564, July 2008.

Y.Xia and D.J.Hill, “Internet congestion control subject to node and link constraints,” Proc 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp.12977-12982, July 2008.

H.Sun and D.J.Hill, “Master stability equations of complex dynamical networks with general topology,” Proc 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp.1547-1552, July 2008.

B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Stability of discrete impulsive hybrid systems via Comparison Principle,” Proc 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp.11520-11525, July 2008.

J. Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with switching topology: a switched system point of view,” Proc 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp.3653-3658, July 2008.

H.Ma, K_F.Man and D.J.Hill, “A MCDM knowledge based scheme for coordinated voltage control,  Proc 2008 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Chicago, USA, 6 pages, April 2008.

S.K. Ki, and D.D.C. Lu, “Transformerless single-stage AC/DC converter with Direct Power Transfer,” Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 14-17 December 2008, Sydney, Australia.

D.D.C. Lu, “Switching Power Converter Design for Applications with Short Surge Load and Uninterruptible Supply Demands,” Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 14-17 December 2008, Sydney, Australia.

C.M.S. Fu, D.D.C. Lu, and S. Sathiakumar, “A novel method to reduce the operating temperature of high power light-emitting diodes,” Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 14-17 December 2008, Sydney, Australia.

I. Laird, H. Lovatt, N. Savvides, D. C. Lu, and V. G. Agelidis, “Comparative Study of Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms for Thermoelectic Generators,” Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 14-17 December 2008, Sydney, Australia.

D. D. C. Lu, and V. G. Agelidis, “A PV-Battery Powered DC Bus System for Common Electronic Appliances,” Proceedings, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2008 (PESC), pp. 76-80, June 2008.

Y. Shrivastava, S. Sathiakumar, and V.G. Agelidis, Analysis of 2-Level Random Aperiodic PWM Schemes for DC-DC Converters, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2008 (PESC), Pages 1196-1201, Greece, June 2008

D. Coutellier, V.G. Agelidis, and S. Choi, Experimental Verification of Floating-Output Interleaved-Input DC-DC High-Gain Transformer-less Converter Topologies, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2008 (PESC), Pages 562-568, Greece, June 2008.

M.S.A. Dahidah, and V.G. Agelidis, Comparative Evaluation of Symmetrical and Non-Symmetrical Bipolar SHE-PWM Techniques, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2008 (PESC), Pages 2594-2599, Greece, June 2008.

N. Flourentzou, M.S.A. Dahidah, and V.G. Agelidis, On Distributing Multilevel SHE-PWM Waveforms in HVDC Systems Built With Conventional Three-Phase VSC Modules, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2008 (PESC), Pages 4124-4129, Greece, June 2008.

M. Ciobotaru, V.G. Agelidis, and R. Teodorescu, Accurate and Less-Disturbing Active Anti-Islanding Method based on PLL for Grid-Connected PV Inverters , IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2008 (PESC), Pages 4569-4576, Greece, June 2008.

M. Ciobotaru, V.G. Agelidis and R. Teodorescu, Offset rejection for PLL based synchronization in grid-connected converters, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exhibition (APEC), Pages 1611-1617, Austin, Texas, USA, 24-28 February 2008.

J. Lee, S. Sathiakumar and Y. Shrivastava, A novel speed and position estimation of the brushless DC motor at low speed, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), UNSW, Sydney, 14-17 December 2008

N. Flourentzou, M.S.A. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, Optimal SHE-PWM switching patterns for an HVDC system built with eight conventional three-phase VSC modules, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), UNSW, Sydney, 14-17 December 2008.

M.S.A. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, SHE-PWM technique for single-phase AC-AC matrix converters, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), UNSW, Sydney, 14-17 December 2008

S.R. Pulikanti, M.S.A. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, SHE-PWM switching strategies for active neutral point clamped multilevel converters, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), UNSW, Sydney, 14-17 December 2008.

M.S.A. Dahidah, and V.G. Agelidis, Non-symmetrical SHE-PWM technique for five-level cascaded converter with non-equal DC sources, IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008., Pages 775 – 780, Johor Bahru, 1-3 December 2008.

Gregor Taljan, Claudio Cañizares, Michael Fowler, Gregor Verbič, “Study of mixed wind-nuclearhydrogen power plants”, The 40th North American Power Symposium, University of Calgary, 28-30 September 2008.

Gregor Taljan, Gregor Verbič, Ladislav Tomsič, “Optimal sizing of generating units – turbine diameter based on transient stability criteria”, HYDRO International Conference and Exhibition, 6-8 October 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Dissipativity based stability of switched systems with state-dependent switching,” Proc 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, December 2007, pp.4027-4032. (accepted and withdrawn CDC 2006).

B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Robust stability of complex impulsive dynamical systems,” Proc 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, December 2007, pp.103-108.

J.Ma, D.Han, R.He, Z-Y.Dong and D.J.Hill, “Research on identifiability of equivalent motor in composite load model,” Proceedings of IEEE PowerTech, Laussane, Switzerland, July 2007.

J.Ma, Z-Y.Dong, R.He and D.J.Hill, “Measurement-based load modeling using Genetic Algorithms,” IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Singapore, Sept.25-28, pp.2909-2916, 2007.

M.Gordon and D.J.Hill, “Flexible Nonlinear Voltage Control Design for Power Systems,” Proc IEEE Multi-conference on System and Control, Singapore, October 2007, pp.1097-1102.

G.H.Zhang, Y.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Global control of multi-machine power systems for transient stability enhancement,” Proc IEEE Multi-conference on System and Control, Singapore, October 2007, pp.934-939.

B.Liu and D.J.Hill, “Optimal Robust Control for Uncertain Impulsive Systems,” Chinese Control Conference, 2007 (Zhangjiajie), pp.1202-1206, July, 2007.

Dylan D.C. Lu, R.H. Chu, S. Sathiakumar, and V.G. Agelidis , “A Buck Converter with Simple Maximum Power Point Tracking for Power Electronics Education on Solar Energy Systems,” Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), pp. 383-388, December 2007, Perth, Australia.

H.H.C. Iu, S.H. Ling and D.D.C. Lu, “Comparative Study of Bifurcation Boundary in Parallel-Connected Buck Converters Under Democratic Current-Sharing Control,” Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), pp. 501-506, December 2007, Perth, Australia.

D.D.C. Lu, H.H.C. Iu, and V. Pjevalica “A Single-Stage AC/DC Converter with High Power Factor, Regulated Bus Voltage and Output Voltage”, Proceedings, Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON), pp. 1455-1460, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 Nov 2007.

J. Zhang, and D.D.C. Lu, “A Novel Single Stage Power Factor Correction Scheme with Time-Multiplexing Control”, Proceedings, Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics(IECON), pp. 1432-1437, Taipei, Taiwan, 5-8 Nov 2007.

D.D.C. Lu, “Synthesis of Single Phase DC/AC Inverters”, Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pp. 1922-1926, Harbin, China, 23-25 May 2007.

D.D.C. Lu, and B. Molavi, “Hysteresis Control of Single-Stage Power-Factor-Corrected Converters”, Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications(ICIEA), pp. 943-948, Harbin, China, 23-25 May 2007.

R.Y.W. Chan, J.W. Hill, and D.D.C. Lu, “Time Multiplexing Control for Power Converters”, Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications(ICIEA), pp. 126-131, Harbin, China, 23-25 May 2007.

D.N. Samaraweera and D.D.C. Lu, “Novel Implementation of Average Current Mode Controlled Power-Factor-Correction Converters”, Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications(ICIEA), pp. 1468-1472, Harbin, China, 23-25 May 2007.

M.S.A. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, Non-symmetrical selective harmonic elimination PWM techniques: the unipolar waveform, Proceedings of IEEE 38th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC), Pages 1885-1891, Orlando, FL, USA, 2007.

N. Flourentzou and V.G. Agelidis, Harmonic performance of multiple sets of solutions of SHE-PWM for a 2-level VSC topology in STATCOM applications, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Perth, Australia, December 2007.

S. Pulikanti and V.G. Agelidis, Five-level active neutral point clamped multilevel inverter topology: SHE-PWM control and operational principles, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Perth, Australia, December 2007.

J.Yao, D.J.Hill, Z-H.Guan and H.O.Wang, “Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with switching topology via adaptive control,” Proc 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,  San Diego, December 13-15,  2006, 2819-2824.

M.Gordon and D.J.Hill, “On structure preserving control of power systems,” Proc  IEEE Intl Conf on Control Applications, Munich, October 4-6, 2006, pp. 2436- 2441.

H.M.Ma, K.F.Man and D.J.Hill, “A jumping genes scheme for multi-objective coordinated voltage control,” Proc IEEE Conf on Industrial Informatics, Singapore, August 15-18, 2006, pp.195-200.

C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Locally accurate identification of nonlinear systems using output measurements,” Preprints 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcastle, Australia, March 2006, pp.1216-1221.

D.D.C. Lu, “Interleaved-Output Method to Reduce Voltage Stress in Single-Stage AC/DC Power-Factor-Corrected Power Supplies,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), December 2006, Melbourne, Australia.

Y.P.B. Yeung, H.H.C. Iu and D.D.C. Lu, “Analysis of Instability of Input Current in a Single-phase Power Factor Corrected AC-AC Converter”, Proceedings, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), December 2006, Melbourne, Australia.

S.K. Ki, D.K.W. Cheng, and D.D.C. Lu, “High efficiency and PF capability of Single Phase Power Factor Corrector”, IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), November 2006, Hong Kong.

V.G. Agelidis and A. Balouktsis, Seven-level selective harmonic elimination PWM strategy, Proceedings of the IEEE 37th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Pages 1779-1785, Jeju, South Korea, 2006

M. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, A hybrid genetic algorithm for selective harmonic elimination multilevel PWM inverter with equal DC sources, Proceedings of the IEEE 37th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Pages 1472-1477, Jeju, South Korea, 2006.

V.G. Agelidis, G. Demetriades, N. Flourentzou, Recent advances in high-voltage direct-current power transmission systems, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Pages 206-213, Mumbai, India, 15-17 December 2006.

C. Feng, L. Jun, V.G. Agelidis, T.C. Green, A multi-modular system based on parallel-connected multilevel flying capacitor converters controlled with fundamental frequency SPWM, Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, Pages 2360-2365, Paris, France, 7-10 November 2006.

M.S.A. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, Generalized Formulation of Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM: Case I -Non-Equal DC Sources, 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, (PESC), Jeju, 18-22 June 2006.

S Sathiakumar, A R Turner, and Y S Lee, Personal Windmill for a site wide DC Bus, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Montreal, Canada, July 2006.

S.Sathiakumar and N.Parameshwaran, Co-ordinated Control of Electrical Machines over Internet, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Montreal, Canada, July 2006.

V.G. Agelidis and A.I. Balouktsis, A Seven-Level Defined Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Strategy, 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, (PESC), Jeju, 16-17 June 16-17 2006.

Gregor Verbič, Miloš Pantoš, Janez Gantar, “A novel principle for measuring overfrequency and frequency rate of change”, 15th International Conference on Power System Protection – PSP 2006, Bled, Slovenia, September 6-8, 2006.

Gregor Verbič, Anthony Schellenberg, William Rosehart, Claudio A. Cañizares, “Probabilistic optimal power flow applications to electricity market”, 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, June 11-15, 2006.

J.Yao, Z-H.Guan, D.J.Hill and H.Wang, “On passivity and impulsive control of complex dynamical networks with coupling delays”, Proc CDC/ECC, Seville, Spain, December 2005.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “On stability and L2-gain for switched systems”, Proc CDC/ECC, Seville, Spain, December 2005.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Dissipativity theory for switched systems”, Proc CDC/ECC, Seville, Spain, December 2005.

C. Wang, D. J. Hill, and S.S. Ge, “Adaptive neural control of non-affine pure-feedback systems,” Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp.298-203, Limassol, Cyprus, 27-29 June 2005.

G.Cao and D.J.Hill,” A hybrid method to compute two-parameter local bifurcations for differential-algebraic equations and its application to power systems”, Proc 15th Power Systems Computation Conference, Liege, Belgium, August 2005.

Z-H.Guan, D.J.Hill and X.Shen, “Stability of  a class of hybrid impulsive and switching systems”,  Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005.

C.Wang and D.J.Hill, “Deterministic learning and rapid dynamical pattern recognition”, Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005.

J.Leung and D.J.Hill, “Global stability control of power systems”, Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005.

J.Zhao and D.J.Hill, “Vector L2-gain and a small gain theorem for switched systems”, Preprints 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005.

Y.Wang, G.Zhang and D.J.Hill, “Systematical design and stability analysis of global control for a class of nonlinear systems”, Proc  Intl Conf on Control and Automation (ICCA2005), Budapest, Hungary, pp.431-436, June 2005.

C.P. Liu,    N.K. Poon, M.H. Pong, Albert Y. P. Chan, and Dylan D.C. Lu, “A low cost and reliable dimming Ballast topology insensitive to lamp characteristics with inherent power regulation”, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC), pp. 596-599, April 2005, Texas, USA.

S. Sathiakumar, Y. Shrivastava, and Y.S. Lee, Reduced switching in randomized schemes for DC-DC power conversion, Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation, Warsaw, Poland, October 2005

V.G. Agelidis, A. Balouktsis, I. Balouktsis, C. Cossar, Five-level selective harmonic elimination PWM strategies and multicarrier phase-shifted sinusoidal PWM: a comparison, Proceedings of IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC), Pages 1685-1691, Recife, Brazil, June 2005.

M.S.A. Dahidah and V.G. Agelidis, A hybrid genetic algorithm for selective harmonic elimination control of a multilevel inverter with non-equal dc sources, Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Power Electronics and Drives Systems 2005, Volume 1205-1210, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2005.

L. Xu and V. G. Agelidis, A VSC transmission system using flying capacitor multilevel converters and selective harmonic elimination PWM control, Proceedings of International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore, November 2005.

S Sathiakumar, A R Turner, and Y S Lee, Connecting Small Wind Turbine to a Site-Wide DC BUS, International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation, Warsaw, 16-19 October 2005.

S.Sathiakumar, Y.Shrivastava and Y.S.Lee, Reduced Switching in Randomized Schemes for DC-DC Power Conversion, International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation, Warsaw, 16-19 October 2005.

S.Sathiakumar, S.Budiman, and N.Parameshwaran, A Multiagent Framework for Negotiation Based Management in Power Industry, International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation, Warsaw, 16-19 October 2005.

T.H. Nguyen, P.K.W. Chan, Y. Shrivastava and S.Y.R. Hui, A Three-Dimensional Space Vector Modulation Scheme for Three-Level Three-wired Neutral Point Clamped Converters, IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC), Pages 2307 – 2314, Recife, Brazil, June 2005.

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Prof Gregor Verbic