Thank you very much for your interest in doing a PhD at The University of Sydney. The Centre for Future Energy Networks in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering carries out high-level research in the energy and power area. Associated with this we aim to attract highly qualified postgraduate research students.

As regards financial support, we encourage you to consider applying for the Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships provided by the Australian government.

Before submitting the proposal, you will need to develop and submit a preliminary research plan. It is advised to contact staff in the Centre when you are formulating your plan. 

Please keep us informed about the progress of your application, but only send documents for our records. The formal application must follow the processes referred to above. You will need to provide transcripts of your undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, your recent CV and proof of English proficiency (academic test is needed). Please refer to the application form regarding the eligibility criteria. An Academic Transcript is an official statement detailing a student’s academic record for the period of enrolment at the University. It includes:

  • details of all programs (undergraduate and postgraduate)
  • grades achieved in courses
  • graduation details

With regard to English proficiency requirements, please go here.

We look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Project Funded PhD Positions:

Robust Renewables Hosting Capacity Enhancement


Prof Gregor Verbic