Academic Staff

Prof Gregor VerbicProfessor
Prof Jianguo ZhuProfessor
Prof Jin MaProfessor
Prof David J HillProfessor Emeritus
A/Prof Weidong XiaoAssociate Professor
Dr Yash ShrivastavaSenior Lecturer
Dr Jing QiuSenior Lecturer
Dr Sinan LiSenior Lecturer, ARC DECRA Fellow
Dr Cuo ZhangLecturer, ARC DECRA Fellow

Research Fellows

Dr Arian ZahedmaneshResearch Fellow

Postgraduate students

Mr Mohsen AldaadiOperation and Control of Energy Hubs toProvide Flexibility and Capacity Firming
Mr Amran HossainA New Coil Structure with Multiple Decoupled Transmitters and Receivers for Enhancing Power Transfer of Wireless Power Transfer System
Mr Qiujie HuangMachine Learning Based Simulation and Optimization of Power Electronics
Mr Xuan JiaoAdvanced Maximum Power Point Tracking Methods for Photovoltaic Applications.
Miss Shuang JiaoAdvanced Simulation Techniques for Power Electronics and Distributed Generation
Mr Fujian LiPower electronics modeling and simulation for power system dynamic analysis and control
Mr Huan LiControl method, circuit topology, and power architecture for high-performance single-phase AC/DC conversion.
Ms Wanrong LiSystematic Analysis and Design of Advanced Model Free Control for Power Electronics Systems
Mr Jinghang LiSydney Inverter: Next-Generation Solar Micro Inverter with High Power Density, Efficiency, Reliability, and Cost-effectiveness
Miss Qijun LiangHierarchically-Coordinated Volt/Var Control in Active Distribution Networks
Mr Jiafeng LinRenewable energy integration to power grid
Ms Yunwan LiuHow Distribution Network can be Operated More Flexibly to Accommodate the Distributed Renewable Generation
Mr Huichuan LiuData driven based modelling and operation decision making of electricity market with distributed energy resources
Mr Tianqi LiuData analytics for smart grid applications including forecasting and operational research
Mr Meng LiuOptimal Business Model for a Virtual Power Plant Integrated with Vehicle to Grid by Cutting edge Digitalization Technologies
Mr Xiao LiuOptimal household expenditure cost
Mr Xin LuOptimal Coordination of Virtual Power Plants for Best Network and Market Operations
Mr Yuan MaPower system optimization
Mr Renjie MaoResearch on two-level optimal dispatching of new energy power system based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
Ms Yuan MengEconomically Efficient Control and Optimization Strategies for Smart Micro-Grids
Mr Thomas PerrauIntegration of Distributed Energy Resources into Electricity Markets
Mr Thomas PowerA Probabilistic Framework for Active Distributed Energy Resource Modelling, Planning and Management
Miss Weiyi TianApplication of finance in microgrid and transition to low-carbon economy
Ms Tong WanEnergy Market Risk Management Considering Uncertain Renewable Generations
Mr Senyao WangConsider the Wind-PV and Water Coupling Characteristics Research of Optimized Scheduling and Transaction Clearing Model on the Cascade Hydropower Stations
Ms Xinlei WangMarket Trends Analysis of Emission Market Involving Financial Institutions
Mr Lei WangNovel AC-DC power converters with high power density and efficiency
Mr Yi YangStrategic power system planning and economic energy dispatch
Miss Yu YiOptimal Energy Management for Grid Integration of Distributed Energy Resources.
Mr Zhe YuanOptimal economic dispatching of power systems and planning of renewable energy
Mr Jiawei ZhangBig data driven demand side energy management solutions for smart grid application
Miss Chenxi ZhangTrading-oriented Battery Energy Storage Planning for Distribution Market
Mr Yuhan ZhangThe research of model-free based predictive control for power electronics

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Prof Gregor Verbic